One Simple Trick for Storing a Secure Online Password
Are you having a hard time remembering your online passwords? It seems like you need a password for everything, from online banking to leaving a review of your last restaurant meal. If you are planning on purchasing a password book to help you remember — stop! This is not the way to a safer and more secure computer, according to experts.
It is understandable why you would want to get a password book, after all, remembering dozens of passwords is hard. Really hard! Over the years, people have developed quite a few tactics for getting around this, like using one password for all websites, letting your internet browser save your passwords, running a password manager app on your phone, or using a password book and keeping it next to your computer. If you really think about it, it is easy to see why none of these are very secure.
Writing your passwords down in a book titled “This is my password!” is a really bad idea. Experts in cyber security strongly advise against this. Think about it, would you put your house key, car key, business key, storage unit key, and all other important keys in a box that said “Keys”on it and leave it on your front porch? Of course not, because someone could open it and get your keys out.
Instead, try this: pick a random page in the middle of a very nondescript notebook and write down a password hint. Not your actual password, just something that would remind only you what your password is. For instance, if your password is “Beach14” your hint could be “Second vacation ever – my age then” Just remember not to bookmark the page! Even if someone who shouldn’t be snooping around finds the hint, like an employee at your small business or housekeeper, they still won’t know the password.
Is this strategy fool proof? Of course not, but it gives you a much better chance of keeping your privacy intact than any other method. Femac Security Solutions is here to help make sure you are safe. For any and all questions regarding the security of your property, electronic or physical, contact us today. We would love to help!